Tuesday 14 April 2009

Comment on Claire's blog - Drugs

Claire's post

First and foremost, you said "the idiots that abuse them" - You know, some people take dugs because they have a problem, an they don't get prosecuted as such, they get help like they need. Other people take drugs because they feel as though they need to, they feel that without them there life is simply not worth living and it helps them to carry on.

I have known people who take Marijuana to such extent that when they have not had a smoke, or when they are not "stoned" they actually seem normal, it is when they have not had any of the said drug that they seem different. Strange concept and notion I know.

I think that people who take drugs... well, it's up to them, no point in us getting worried about it, so long as it doesn't bother anyone. - Ok, maybe when its getting to the point that the person is so hopelessly addicted that they would go out and mug old ladies in order to come up with the money for another gram of cocaine, or another needle then it's probably getting a bit much...

Then there is the question which lingers... why? - why do people take drugs? why do people try them? why do people continue to do them after years of abuse and damage, and knowing that on average for every gram of street-sold cocaine there is at least 60% of unknown subtances in it that it has been cut with. Why would people put themselves through that?

... Addicted? Possibly. In the same way that people become addcited to caffeine, alcohol, and nicotine. Now, nicotine is actually the single most addictive drug used on the streets? Is smoking that bad? Yes. But it's legal.

"Based on the level of dependence, the most common measure for determining the addictiveness of a drug, the substances ranked as follows, from most to least addictive:
  1. Nicotine
  2. Heroin
  3. Cocaine
  4. Alcohol
  5. Caffeine
  6. Marijuana"
- Taken from here.

Hm... So, the first, fourth and fifth most addictive drugs that we have are currently on sale n the UK so long as you are over 18. - Why not go the whole shabang?

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