Monday 13 April 2009

Comment on Laura's blog post - Stalking

Laura's post on the subject of stalking stated a lot about the extreme cases of stalking, I think there is a lot of possible... leniance. When does stalking become an infringement and intrusion on someone elses personal space, when does one person stop being a mere harasser or follower, or even fan in the case of a celebrity and become a stalker. Does stalking always lead to harm, if you are in a relationship with someone and you follow them somewhere in order to see wether or not the y or having an affair or if they are lying to you, is it still stalking?

The dictionary describes the word stalk as: "to pursue or approach prey, quarry, etc., stealthily" - now in the case of stalk being used in a predatorial sense, then yes there is always some intent to harm.

I Just think personally that a lot of things need to be considered before calling someone a stalker, or saying someone is stalking you, do they intend to harm you? Are they intending to harm? Is it always a bad thing? Armed forces will always stalk their foes.

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